One of our readers shared a recent infographic she put together with a team of designers and researchers:

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One of our readers shared a recent infographic she put together with a team of designers and researchers:
Posted by Marianne Calihanna on May 24, 2011 3:12:00 PM
Last week Amazon announced that epub format will finally be accepted for the Kindle.
This week at Book Expo America, Amazon announced that Laurence Kirshbaum, former TimeWarner c.e.o.-turned-agent, would be heading up Amazon's publishing operation in New York.
If publishers only suspected it before, this appears to be a strong indication that Amazon is gearing up to become a frontlist publisher.
According to
"The news spread swiftly around the Javits Center even though the exhibition floor was not yet open, the first day of BEA being devoted to conference sessions. What people on the publishing side are feeling—(off the record for the most part)—is worried. Publishers, already feeling squeezed, have been feeling even more so since Monday morning.
[Link to full story on Bookseller]
What's this mean for your publishing organization?
Topics: ebooks,, book publishing