I use it for personal news consumption and was thrilled when The New York Times became available. I still find myself flipping through content that I read (and subscribe to!) in print. According to Bloomberg Businessweek, Flipboard has 21 publications that it is working with along with many tech websites, blogs, and Twitter feeds.
Flipboard is making a push to reach out to publishers and advertisers. The company hired five "evangelists" to make its case to publishers who are looking for new digital revenue sources (and who isn't btw?!).
I see Flipboard as a great venue for STM and educational publishers to tap into new revenue and I wonder why I don't see these types of publishers on Flipboard yet. Granted the company is evolving its publisher pitch. Digiday had a great article on this and addresses some concerns that publishers may have.
If you're an STM or educational publisher, I'm interested to hear your thoughts. Share your comments, concerns, opinions.