According to a Pew Internet and American Life study, the number of adults who own tablets nearly doubled between mid-December 2011 and early January 2012, jumping from 10% to 19%. Coincidentally, according to the same study, the number of adults owning e-book readers also doubled from 10% to 19% in the same period, and the number of adults owning at least one of those devices leapt from 18% to 29%. There is simply no denying it—we find ourselves in the midst of a fundamental change in the way information is presented and consumed across all sectors of publishing.
From trade to children’s books, from STM to legal, from education to association publishing, the very rules of how we do what we do are being rewritten (and likely being read on a PDF or EPUB). And the rewriting of these rules is happening so quickly—to an industry that’s done things more or less the same way for centuries—that lots of publishers are struggling as their print revenues shrink faster than they can grow digital revenue.
In this free white paper you'll learn how to manage and refine your content—then, sell it quickly, efficiently, and in more forms than you ever imagined possible.