RSI Content Solutions and Data Conversion Laboratory have surveyed and collected input on the state of technology adoption and digital revenue metrics from publishing and media organizations. Join us for a webinar on December 6 as the survey results are revealed and analyzed by Barry Bealer, CEO and co-founder of RSI Content Solutions, and Mark Gross, CEO of Data Conversion Laboratory.
Don't miss Barry and Mark's insight and perspective on
- How publishers are approaching the digital landscape to benefit customers
- How organizations recognize increased revenue from multi-channel publishing
- What you can do to achieve greater revenue from digital products in 2013
Webinar Details | 2012 Publishers' Survey Results

Title: Reality Check: The Truth from the Publishers' Perspective
Date: Thursday, December 6, 2012
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EST
Space is limited.
Reserve your webinar seat now at: