Really Strategies is pleased to announce the launch of the
RSuite CMS support community. Really Strategies is dedicated to the success of its customers and partners who have adopted RSuite CMS as a core foundation for their digital publishing strategy. The RSuite CMS support community is a forum where problems are solved, topics are discussed, and ideas are exchanged. All discussions related to the ongoing support of RSuite CMS and its customers are now housed in one secure location that encourages professional discussion as well as submitting and resolving software tickets.
"The RSuite CMS support community provides a central location as well as the tools to communicate with RSuite developers and engage users. This online forum also provides all of our customers and partners a mechanism for direct communication with product management regarding their priorities for the evolution of RSuite CMS as well as insight into the product’s direction.”
--Christopher Hill, VP Product Management, Really Strategies, Inc.
Really Strategies, Inc. will host a webinar on Friday, January 6th to introduce its customers and partners to the new RSuite CMS support community Web site, unveil new capabilities offered by the system for resolving support requests, and introduce forums to allow the RSuite CMS community to engage with each other as well as the development and product management groups at Really Strategies.