When we changed our tag line for RSuite last year we thought very hard about what would reflect our culture and our product? Developing a tag line is not easy, but our team settled on “Publishing Automated”. There were two main reasons for the change in tag line from “Content Management for Publishers” to “Publishing Automated”:
- RSuite is being licensed and used by more and more organizations that publish but would not be considered a traditional publisher.
- RSuite continually was touted by our clients as their publishing automation tool that significantly decreased their production timelines.
So for the reasons above our team at RSI felt that “Publishing Automated” truly did reflect what RSuite is all about. But don’t take our word for it, here’s just a sample of the feedback we have received from our RSuite clients over the last few months:
"The first book we published through RSuite reduced the production time from 12 weeks to 2 weeks.”
"RSuite reduced our process to update marketing information from 10 days to only a few minutes."
“We published our book so fast that our marketing department was not prepared to begin to promote it because they were used to the old production timelines!”
“RSuite has reduced our publishing cycle by 75% and we feel we can reduce that even more.”
Needless to say the RSI team continues to work hard to make all of our clients realize their publishing automation goals. While “Publishing Automated” may be a relatively new tag line for our business and software, it remains the core of why we built RSuite in the first place and will certainly be the focus of future product releases.
Let us show you how RSuite could reduce your production time by 50% or more! Signup for a demo.